Bill Cosby dead? No, just another hoax

After a phony “R.I.P. Bill Cosby” page randomly popped up on Facebook Monday (Aug 27) … Bill Cosby’s name instantly became a trending topic across social media sites and search engines, as fans all over mistakenly paid tribute and offered their condolences.

Bu fortunately, the 73-year-old legendary actor/comedian is NOT dead and is very much alive and well, Gossip Cop reported Monday night, noting that this isn’t the first time the entertainer/educator has been falsely “killed” by social media.

This very same thing happened to Mr. Cosby twice last year — in February, and in August.

And he also isn’t the only celebrity dealing with ridiculous death hoaxes. Other celebs who have fallen victim to ridiculous death hoaxes this week include Bill Nye (the Science Guy), Russell Brand and even Rihanna.